Lebron James and Lauren Perdue Not Dating Romantically: 'He.
Gossip: Is LeBron James Trying to Creep With An U.S. Olympic.
lauren perdue swimming olympics
lauren perdue swimming olympics
Greenville Swimmer Competes In Olympics Wednesday - WITN.Aug 2, 2012. Olympic swimmer Lauren Perdue is causing a splash outside of the pool, too. The 21-year-old gold-medal-winning athlete apparently turned. Sep 14, 2012. Lauren Perdue was never supposed to win a gold medal at the 2012. weeks before the start of the Olympic Swim Trials whether or not she. Aug 3, 2012. LeBron James proposed to longtime girlfriend Savannah Brinson in a gala birthday bash last New Year's, so there was some confusion when.
Swimmer Lauren Perdue Turns Down Olympic Dinner Date With.Aug 3, 2012. The Olympics buzz earlier today was that USA Olympics Swimmer Lauren Perdue turned down NBA Basketball Legend and USA Olympics.
Scott Says.: The real story on LeBron asking NC swimmer to dinner.
UVA's Lauren Perdue wins Olypmic gold - News | NBC Olympics.Aug 2, 2012. Olympic swimmer Lauren Perdue is causing a splash outside of the pool, too. The 21-year-old gold-medal-winning athlete apparently turned. Sep 14, 2012. Lauren Perdue was never supposed to win a gold medal at the 2012. weeks before the start of the Olympic Swim Trials whether or not she. Aug 3, 2012. LeBron James proposed to longtime girlfriend Savannah Brinson in a gala birthday bash last New Year's, so there was some confusion when. Aug 2, 2012. LeBron James allegedly asked Olympic swimmer Lauren Perdue on a date, but was turned down due to curfew. Aug 1, 2012. Savannah can rest easy though -- she turned him down!
Did Lauren Perdue Turn LeBron James Down Because He's Black?